The Ad Mascot Wiki
Roller Cola Girl
Cola girl s
Brand: Virgin Cola
Nationality: United Kingdom
Years active: 1999-2003
Designer(s): Jamie Hewlett
Studio of origin: Passion Pictures
Appearance and age
Species: Human
Hair color: Brown
Personal information
Residence: The Home of Hedonism
Friends: DJ Racket

The Roller Cola Girl was the mascot for carbonated soft drink Virgin Cola during its run in the United Kingdom, appearing on marketing from 1999 to 2000 while continuing to be seen on the official website until 2003. Designed by Jamie Hewlett, known for his work on Tank Girl and Gorillaz, she lives in a factory producing Virgin Cola, with a jacuzzi made of cola, employees basing their bottle shapes on supermodels and a boardroom with a gigantic ark and stereo among other features.


The Roller Cola Girl sports two pigtails on her brown hair, wears a red crop top with stripes of white, orange and red across, tight, red and white shorts, white knee highs with red, orange and yellow stripes at the top and red rollerskates, carrying two cola bottles on her back like a jetpack.

